25th July @7.00pm Volunteer Experience


DATE: 25TH JULY 2024

TIME ; 7 PM TO 8.30PM


A ZOOM link and DELEGATE AGREEMENT will be sent to you when the minimum number of people have registered.

Are volunteers vital in the running of your organisation and activities? By engaging more volunteers, you can break larger roles into smaller more manageable tasks and offer exciting opportunities to help people grow and develop.

In this workshop, we'll explore how to create a positive volunteering culture and share top tips for the '3 Rs' of volunteering: recruiting, retaining, and rewarding.

We'll help you develop plans, identify actions to improve your volunteer experience and signpost you to valuable resources, short films and real-life case studies.  

What will you achieve?

By the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • develop a positive culture of volunteering within your organisation
  • identify how to develop the volunteer experience
  • identify top tips in recruiting, retaining and rewarding volunteers
  • develop an action plan to improve your volunteers experience
  • access further information to help improve the volunteer experience.

This might be the course for you if…

  • you’re responsible for supporting and managing volunteers
  • you’re part of a leadership team or committee
  • you’re involved in supporting clubs or community organisations.

How much does it cost to attend?

The cost of this course is free.

Who can attend? (Requirements)

People that attend this course should:

  • represent a community organisation or club based in England
  • be at least 16 years of age
  • be able to communicate effectively in English.

When registering, we ask that delegates consent to the Delegate Agreement, which will be sent out to you.

To access the course virtually, you must have:

  • access to a laptop/tablet. A smartphone is accepted but functionality may be limited
  • access to a positive learning environment with limited distractions.

If you have any additional learning needs, please let us know when registering so we can support you.

How is the course delivered?

This course will be delivered in a workshop format. This is a live virtual classroom facilitated by a Buddle tutor. The tutor will share information and there will be interactive ways to engage.

Face-to-face courses can be requested by partner organisations through our Contact Us page

How long is it?

The course lasts for a maximum of 1.5 hours. Please see our forthcoming events to understand the dates and formats available.

Who is it delivered by?

The course is delivered by an experienced Buddle tutor.

What do others say?

“Was good to hear different stories and the variety of roles that a volunteer can have.”
“Very useful to hear the different experiences from delegates, being a mix of volunteers, charitable organisations and employees that work with volunteers and coming from not only sports clubs.”

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